we've got dominican, barbados, all these places with cane planted on it. espanola. these are all places where sugar is being planted. what is this now the beginning of in terms of world history? >> now, to be clear, there has always been slavery everywhere in the world. slavery is as old as world history. it has existed in every part of the world. however, as marina was saying, people are now -- christopher columbus brings sugar over on his second voi yays. what do you need to have a lot of sugar? you need fertile soil. you need wind or water power to run the mill. you need to be near water so you can ship it. you need a lot of wood; right? you need to keep the fires burning because this bubbling vats of sugar, but you need one more thing to produce sugar. what do you need? >> [inaudible] >> hard workers. >> you need hard, cheap workers. you need people who you can get to work for very little because the more they work, the cheaper they are, what happens to the price of sugar? >> it goes higher. >> or, more likely it? >> goes lower. >> it goes lower because you're p