moved here and three of the -- of the six kids were born in barbados and sadly i was born here which means i don't have island property to retire to. [laughter] >> but the way that african-americans who have come from different backgrounds who think about a little bit race race has differently than african-americans. an immigrant uproot their entire life to search for a better world usually for your children. it is far more of a driving definer for a lot of people who are born in the diaspora than for people born here where you're born here, this is the place you had to make it. now, it doesn't mean we didn't identify -- my father was the man wearing civil rights marching and my father thought he would be deported at any moment. but it does mean that you identify slightly differently about race. my sister, for instance, insists on -- she's a caribbean-american. she doesn't think of herself is an african-american. she's very price in what she thinks from race which is different for me because i was born here. and there's also the achievement issue which is when you've come from anothe