for congresswoman barbara boxer, to assistant democratic leader dick durbin and proudly in our house for congresswoman january schakowsky. and for me and my office where he has worked for 10 years. . we're deeply grateful for his skill as a manager, grace under pressure, and some of the high stakes matters to come before the congress and the american people. he played a vital role improving the lives of america's working families. he has accomplished himself with the respect members have for his judgment, discretion, and ability. n conclusion, nadeem's exceptional service entailed sacrifice not just for him but or his beautiful family. nadeem's, we're especially grateful to him for the pashesence, love, and support of wife, stacey, who is here with us today, thank you, tacey. wife, stacey, i hope all the spouses of our staff recognize that recognition for stacey, which applies to them as well. and his children, jenna, noah, and lay louisiana my colleagues -- my colleagues, please join me in thanking my chief of staff, a man who has served the united states congress with honor and dis