i was with barbara garcia camauro amazing public health director with social security. it was such a transformative day to recognize we will qualify 200 homeless schizophrenic who are those people you see not been able to garner services. we're looking at doing some exciting things. our jails for 10 years have had a charter adult school. they have done amazing work. we are looking at bringing five keys to six straight and sunni deal. we need to have access to education. we have 18% high-school graduation rats ies in sunnydal. it want to have the housing authority be one of the best in the nation. we want to get vacant units rehabilitated. the mayor has been helping us. home depot foundation has said they might like to cwork with out. and we have va homeless housing. and we were the nubmer one -- number one rated application out of 440 in the nation. we're doing some great things in san francisco. there are a lot of ideas and a lot of different things. you might have ideas. peer to peer, listening to individuals who have been homeless is one of the most important things.