i'm barbara hall reporring. -----end----- cnn.script----- coming up in sports.s.the ravens re-take the division leed with a nnil-bitinggvictorr over cincinnati.ray rice turns ii his 3rd 100-yard game of the season...what hh said worked . ((break 3)) the lady ravens lend a helping hand... by hosting a food drive for the needy..he wives of ravens players and coaches stood out front m & t bank stadium until kickoff sunday, collecting canned goods and &pnon--erishables.sports fans were able to drop off food or donate money before seeiig the combs sayy: "it's always good to give back and its a great event. alot of people out fed."mac adaa says: "itts important for all of us to give just a little bit. even a dollar will feed two families. so every little bit helps." helps."theefood and proceeds benefit the maryllnd food bank...and will be donattd to soup kitchens and emergency sheeters throughout the holidayyseason. and now here's bruce cunningham with more on that ravens win over tte cincinnati bengals. bengals. thanks to tracey from bel aii... for ending this pictur