senator barbara mccull ski. >> good morning, america! good morning, the world! if you want to be what democracy looks like, come to constitution avenue! this is what democracy looks like! the congress voted on health care and the supreme court has ruled on health care. we now know that health care is legal, constitutional, undeniable and irreversible! let's hear it for democracy. the system worked and it will work for the american people. we will now be able to go forward with making sure that 32 million people have universal access. we have broken the strangle hold of insurance companies where pin striped guys sitting in their board rooms decided who got health care. now we know that the people will get the health care they need. that their doctor said they need and they will be able to afford to be able to get it. the crowds are cheering us on. for we women, it is an enormous victory because today what we have been able to affirm is that insurance companies will no longer be able to discriminate on the basis of gender where women pay 30% more for their health