. -- in the barbeau district, they called it the snake on the lake because it is very gin -- gerrymandered. our district skirts the entire southern rim of lake erie. toledo is the glass city. we have companies that range to firstal glass solar. we have heritage companies and part of america's rising sun. right here, berthed in this community, we are not the capital city. we have had to earn our way forward, largely through private enterprise with a heavy industrial tilt. we see a number of industrial companies rising, our port authority has been involved, so much of this was the largest gap discovery on the continent here in ohio and western pennsylvania. we are seeing a transformation in the economy, due to natural that upthe movement of into this region. we serve the steel industry here. without this region of america, we could not go to war, nor serve the vast automotive and railroad industry, which is part of our heritage here. this is the largest watershed that drains into the great lakes. you are right near lake erie, the southernmost of the great lakes, and we are sitting alongside