over here you can see the barbet. this is the ship today. the red portions you see here are what is above water. you can see how the memorial stresses across the mid-ships of the arizona. you can see the deterioration of the ship from the explosion, and you see this turret almost intact, but not quite, because because she has dropped the 23 feet from her mounting three decks. it blew out this way. all of the smoothness is not as smooth as you think it might be. it is sand that has filled in the crevasses from this explosion. when the bombs struck, it landed right here. it lifted the ship nearly 50 feet out of the water, fracturing her completely around in this manner. she then settled down and sank within nine minutes. she now rests in 40 feet of water and 23 feet of mud. this ship was so badly damaged that she never served her country again. in many ways, she still does serve her country with the symbolism she evokes with the ship itself here and it's memorial. this portion of the uss arizona memorial is commonly referred to as the dedicati