solo concerts by leonid sakavakos with a program of works by jagan sebastian bach begins at the barbicon hallmed at the academy of santa chichili, soloist hauchen can, conductor tugansokhiev. the exhibition “voice of the forest” continues in the parisian ptipol, the theme of which is the work of theodore rousseau, the founder of the barbizon school, which united the first artists who painted in the open air. ruso made nature not only the theme of his work, but also his refuge in life. according to baudelaire, he was a naturalist striving for the ideal and created a new school of french landscape painting in the mid-19th century. my planet tv channel presents just some 15 minutes and i’m in hersanes, the tauride pole, built by the ancient greeks 25 centuries ago. now it is a museum-reserve with an area of as much as 418 hectares. yes, one day is definitely not enough here, urgently. need a guide. hello. hello. my name is diana. unfortunately, i have very little time. and i want to see all the most interesting and beautiful things here. will we have time? of course we'll make it. an amazing p