our frequent partners at the pulitzer center on crisis reporting recently traveled to barbuda, where a communal way of life faces the hard task of rebuilding. you can watch and read about that on our website, www.pbs.org/newshour. >> yang: now, let's take a closer look at the deadly gang president trump has been highlighting in his effort to change immigration laws: ms-13. as we reported earlier, it was the topic of a white house meeting today. the trump administration says the gang has 10,000 members in 40 states. in a moment, william brangham gets a breakdown on what's known about ms-13. t first, from our colleagues at "frontline," an excerpt from a iring next tuesday, "the gang cra." >> in the state of the unide address, pre trump talked about the murder of two girls from long island by the torious ms-13 gang. >> here tonight are two fathers and two mothers. their two teenage daughters, kayla cuevas and neesa mickens were close friends on long island. these two precious girls were brutally murderedle walking together in their hometown. six members of the savage ms-13 gang have bee