. -- barcadero. do not own a car. i make over $60,000. i do not want to deal with parking. think about public transportation. think about other uses. this project is a solution for many problems for housing and for sentences coke itself. [tone!] we could create a hardship for our city. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is kevin sinclair. i am a resident of the presidio. i am here in support of the compromise that supervisor farrell laid out for you. i think this is a question of physical integration in the neighborhood. living on the street, i can tell you rebuilding of this size would overtake the streetscape of the east side of presidio ave. i have a deck on the roof of my house. i am on the far end of presidio. he would be towering over my residence. it does affect more than the height. it affects where people live and how they live in their residences. this would represent at least 10% of the allocated seats you would be looking to fill. i think that is a good percentage of this city of san francisco to represent 10%. i would like to say tha