you don't get to know anyone in his outfit in the militia, in barcelona, particularly well. you learn a few of their names and sometimes he recites them like an honor roll but you don't get to the inside of their being. >> but, the soldier he meets, and feels a comrade ship with the firsthand shake. >> with the italian militiaman in barcelona and that is a beautiful moment at the beginning and at the end of the poem, that concludes that essay, looking back, on the spanish war. and that -- but he also says, i didn't want to meet him again, because if i did, it would ruin my first impression, which is that this is sort of the flower of the european working class. and that i think is the way his mind always goes away from the individual, and toward the social type. toward the political and social significance of digging coal underground. >> to preserve his own distance, you see, and at one point he replies to someone who asks him, if he'd like to come to dinner and meet steven spender, and... and he says, no. because i think i may want to write about him and i find it much hard