but a recent study of l nine post-world wari recessions by barclays capal, says this thinking m be wrong. according to the stu, in the first ye of recovery net new borrowing almost always gs the economy. thstudy also points out that, histically, borrowing by households andorporations always falls in the first ye of recover which is precisely what is happening day. >> as you'veointed out, the supply of credit icertainly falling, and tt's typical of how most recessions unld, but the are two sides to the credit coin. availability of crit on the one side, demand for cdit on the her. duringrior recessions, credit availabilityas a short-term proble largely because the underlyi demand for it was still present. now, hever, both availability d demandor credit are declining. that's key, becauscredit mand is the side of the coin the federareserve cannot control. a central bank can makcredit avaible, but there must be demand for it or it's like throwing a par where no one shows up. >> susie: more now, on our t story: umployment. as more people find emselves looking fowork, many are tending job fairs