the bay area milk man also known as pat barela, has been delivering milk and other high quality staples to homes every week for 30 years. these days his clients are mostly affluent with a strong desire for local organic milk, which even he says doesn't come cheap. >> this is twice as much as regular milk. this is about $5. >> reporter: he doesn't quite understand the organic craze. he says it is what's driving demand these days. >> it is a choice and some people are willing to pay for that. whether they make it different or not i don't know. we'll see in 50 years. >> reporter: it's that kind of honesty that pat's customers appreciate as many give him access to their garages and even welcome him in to their homes. >> i figure i know where to find him if anything goes missing. [ laughter ] >> reporter: tammy becker has been getting milk deliveries since her kids were babies. they're grown now, but -- >> my husband recently said to me don't stop the milk man. i know we're down to only one at home but i love it that he delivers milk. >> reporter: besides the nostalgia, he's selling trust in