[vevecle hornrn hon] [mohad zabourpepeakin naive langge] [aissderhem saking ench] bargh: the iact of cmate chan just within the2 2 year at we, aan organation, ha beeeen tive i ithe region is rely stataggering. there h has been n a signifiint increase in the heheat a in the summer the saha is rig on the oth side ofhe mountn and imoving tards thi region vry stealy. [mounir abbar speakinfrfrench] barchch: fotakekes ay allll your vials.s. tn itit ces very,erery slly and gcicious. i run thisrgrganizion n th tod h has t lararge funcononing g collecon oject inhe world bargach: e e fog es t thrgh the netanand th the sma lecules of water that ar insidehe f fog arare caug in the hohoneycb sort onettin and tn with grvity, th descendnto a tttter, d thenen we gather emem. [abbar speining frch]] derhem saking french] [abbarpepeakinfrenench [indistit t conrsasatin] [houssn sousae e speingng tive language] [abar speang french] [tzroute sakaking nate e langge]] oousanspeaeaki naivive lauagege] [rhem speing fren] announcer: "earth focus" is made possible in part by the orange county community foundati