no longer true and the prices are too high even in the wealthiest country of the world then that bargson not sustainable and that is a problem for people everywhere both in the u.s. as well as abroad. this crisis stems from the very way in which research and development for new medicines takes place and the fact that we recoup our r&d investments through high drug prices. this prices system has terrible consequences especially when we know the drugs can be manufactured for less than 1% of the patented price. but we know if everybody in the world paid that 1% generic price then the incentives for r&d would evaporate. is there a better system? what i find so promising about the price fund bill that you've put on the table is that in fact it would try to achieve both. it would achieve both improved innovation as well as ensuring the broadest possible access to the fruits of scientific research. and that's through a powerful concept called delinkage which was introduced by an expert group of the w.h.o. looking at new r&d mechanisms. i'll leave it to other panelists to go into detail on how t