our kim yeon-ji explains how the company, called baridream,... is helping them rebuild their lives. the social enterprise baridream... sells two different kinds of bean pastes widely used in popular korean soups dwenjang and chunggukjang... which are manufactured by ethnic koreans living in russia's maritime province. originally an emergency aid program by peace asia to help ethnic koreans after the fall of the soviet union, the business came into being to help them restart their lives there. they are descendants of soviet koreans forcibly deported from the maritime province to central asia under joseph stalin in the 1930s... for being considered spies for japan... which at that time controlled korea. although their forefathers set up a decent life for them, many of their children had to make a tough decision to return to russia's far east,... leaving behind their fields and homes in the 1990s as they became increasingly marginalized in the newly established cis states. korean "these ethnic koreans had nothing when they arrived in russia. they had to start from zero. but, baridream