they have been a barita for nine years and want to open up their own shop in their neighborhood and provide loans to the community and one thing not in the minds are profit margins. and time management of course. speed of growth which si think is really interesting to point out. not going fast enough and generating enough take home pay. i talked to people in our pole folio who aren't able to take home enough to make ends meet and most of the time it's because of high costs and like i said cost of operating a business in san francisco. so some policy implications. this is something that working solutions is working on. we're putting together our step ahead loan program and this is a loan program for immigrant businesses, more cash base businesses, really our sweet spot mission clients, individuals that need the cash but don't necessarily meet all of our criteria. the loans are 5,000 to 10,000 and what we're really looking at here is just six months of bank statements. the other thing that i could recommend to the city is financial management programs including the women business centers and