so and so said judge barkett's opinion court judge on this opinion has done this, dizziness, but they never in the articles they would be opinion actually said. and mike arrington might today within florida, as many of you know, we have been very much involved in the process between the media and the court, i believe. and many of my conversations with my colleagues in the press would really do a complaint that if someone came to band said judge so-and-so was caught streaking in the mall for some pain, they would never chew most publishing that if in fact a judge had been stricken in the law. whereas when they report that somebody said something characterized in an opinion in a particular way, thinking specifically of an opinion, for an example, that our court had permitted ultimate decisions to be made by guardian based upon the witches of a person who is dying and the florida supreme court has now endorsed euthanasia, which obviously was not. but nowhere -- not until later in the campaign did the "miami herald" for whom i'm very grateful, you see these opinions and see if they stay w