according to a new study from the barna group, the number of women serving as senior pastors has doubled in the last ten years. the report found that one in ten u.s. protestant churches employs a woman as senior pastor. 58% of the women pastors serve mainline protestant churches. we have a profile now of the much-honored writer marilynne robinson. she received the orange prize for fiction this past summer, in britain, for the best writing in the english language by a woman. five years ago, she won a pulitzer prize for her novel "gilead," and her latest book, home, has also had glowing reviews. robinson is a mainline protestant with great respect for calvinist theology and strong opinions about the world around her. marilynne robinson's view of the world was formed in the mountains of idaho, where she grew up. she loved solitude and wilderness and sensed a larger presence. >> that never felt like emptiness. it always felt like presence. it always seemed as if there was something extraordinary around me. the holy is at the origins of everything that exists. everything. "so i have spent my