my name is barnaby. i am honored to be the principle of abraham lincoln high school animals a graduate of public schools. my whole life. i am here to express gratitude to the police department in the neighborhood, who despite budget cuts have continued to find a school car that serves the west side schools. two of the officers are here this evening. the officers are immediately available to the school, to school officials, through their personal cell phones. in fact, i have all three of them on the speed dial in my phone right now. most often, when we call the school car for a situation on campus, the officers have been sensitive to the needs of students and their families and have been more than willing to mentor and resolve conflicts among students. most often, the officers being involved results and no police action or not having to take police action. in fact, one officer was there about three hours this week working with conflicts. when we request the officers to be at our school events, they almost