let's speak to barnaby philip who joins us from donetsk so who is pulling the stringing if they are losingontrol? >> well, it's pretty clear that pro-russian groups are increasingly in control, shoely. they are taking over city after city, town after town. as to who is pulling the strings ultimately, that's the question. most are convinced that the real puppet master is vladimir putin and it is the kremlin who is controlling events here. an accusation denied by the russian government of course. >> and there must still be prokiev people there. so what is happening to them? i know there was supposed to be a pro-kiev demo at one stage. >> in short they are lying low. there was a pro-kiev demonstration in donetsk, the town from where i'm speaking on monday evening, a few hundred, perhaps as many as a thousand came out and they took an all mighty beating from pro-russian groups. and the police made the most tokenistic effort to present that violence. there was going to be another demonstration, but it was canceled by the city authorities. and you would have to be a brave person to go out on the