but i did make some very interesting discoveries with the barnicles.nd females. they have hermaphrodytes and there's one species in which the male has a penis nine times the size of his body and he's a little tiny thing that attaches to a gigantic female and rides there, except when this gigantic penis is called in to play, and if you want to give a nice factoid at your next cocktail party or cider or church gathering, just mention that the animal you found that has the largest penis in proportion to body size is the barnicle and one of charles darwin lesser known contributions to science. so involved was darwin with the barnicles, that one day, his little wallison went to visit a neighbor, and looked around the house, and said, but, where does your father work on his barnicles? they thought all fathers did that. my grandfather, oh, i'm switching back and forth between richard and darwin, i know i shouldn't do that, but you'll forgive me. but now we go to the grandfather, and he had the first theory of evolution by natural selection of any european nat