this time at a courthouse on the mainland in barnstable, massachusetts.ily, going through it a second time was deeply disappointing and worrying. >> because all of a sudden, he wasn't convicted of killing my sister anymore. >> right. >> and he was, as far as i was concerned. >> for tom toolan, it was an incredible second chance. this time the defendant looked thinner than he had during the first trial. and this time, a new defense attorney argued the case. >> this is not a whodunit. this is not a where, when, how case. this is a why case. >> robert sheketoff opened with an admission that the first defense team never made explicitly, that toolan did kill beth lochtefeld. what the jury had to decide was why. >> it's a difficult issue to look into somebody's mind and figure out what was going on in that mind. was he a common criminal or was he not? that's the issue. >> it was the insanity defense all over again, dressed up a little differently, presented in court by an attorney who was keenly aware he had an uphill battle on his hands. >> the real question i