ramtin kakaun had also won gold in the barqasa division. nyusha mohammadi in the category under 14 years, rosha akbari and seyed kanaan pourmusavi in under 12 years and mohammad taha arkak won a bronze medal in less than 8 years . the iranian football federation condemned the cruel crime of the zionist regime. mehdi taj, president of our country's football federation, on the sidelines of the meeting of the executive board of the asian football confederation in jeddah , saudi arabia, with representative suzan shelbi. the palestinian federation condemned the meeting and discussion and the cruel crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. taj expressed regret for the bitter and cruel crime of the zionist regime in the gaza strip. in addition to women and men, the zionist thugs also brutalized the oppressed football players and dragged them to the ground. crown he pointed out where in the world 60 footballers are killed by a dictatorial regime. this crime should be condemned as a pandemic. a stopped one was ranked second in the table. the match bet