start this book talking about getting on the floor, hiding, trying to go to a secret meeting with barrack obama. that happens to me a lot. so i prefer not to cause traffic. >> you actually travel like a kid sneaking into a drive in theater? >> yeah, i try to. >> do you enjoy constant nonstop criticism? >> enjoy is probably the wrong word. >> expect. >> expect. survive. >> sure. >> live through. it just sort of comes with the territory. >> it does come with the territory. >> indeed. >> so it sounds to me like, if i may, you have declared for president. >> how about that for an aptitude test. >> that was pretty good. doesn't look like they rehearsed those questions before either. >> no. >> he asks questions others cannot in a blunt way. >> that's the beauty of his show. >> let me ask you a blunt question, polar blast or heated summer? we have two countries to talk about today? >> we've been a nation divided. the west is the stories of like the water rationing are getting worse in california, just getting done with one of the hottest juns on record and so far this july we're halfway through and it