sounds like he has a different approach, much like senator barrasso here.are you optimistic about that? i think -- >> i'm a natural optimist. >> we have one muscular united agenda. we'll bridge both chambers. >> i saw kevin mccarthy's comment. i welcome that. >> do you believe them? >> i believe his intention. the question is whether he can deliver his intention given the fact so many people in his caucus, especially on tea party side, they're making gains, in the house, a number of the current incumbent republicans who are already very much on the right being replaced by people even further on the right and more invested in no compromise. so, again, i welcome the intention. there are lots of things that the public clearly supports moving forward on. we'd like to at least get a vote on in the house. >> this is why i'm glad to be a governor. >> i know. you don't have to deal with that. >> no that it is not politics is perfect in my state or any other state but to, we can at least get stuff done. and that is exactly what people are looking for and it is what