- being sexist by asking about your barry- n— it isi being sexist by asking about your barry- n— iteadband. it is a bi hit. barry. no it is a headband. it is a big hit. david. — barry. no it is a headband. it is a big hit. david, where _ barry. no it is a headband. it is a big hit. david, where you - barry. no it is a headband. it is a big hit. david, where you were i barry. no it is a headband. it is a l big hit. david, where you were was busy, correct? i big hit. david, where you were was busy. correct?— busy, correct? i did run out to my sho -|n~ busy, correct? i did run out to my shepping centre _ busy, correct? i did run out to my shopping centre and _ busy, correct? i did run out to my shopping centre and reddish - busy, correct? i did run out to my shopping centre and reddish andl busy, correct? i did run out to my shopping centre and reddish and i did find _ shopping centre and reddish and i did find it — shopping centre and reddish and i did find it very busy, particularly the hairdressers and the queues outside — the hairdressers and the queues outside the hairdressers. bu