barry bannister joins the conversation later still with us is lindsey bell.irst to, mike, what was a broad rally, but only energy closed lower. >> below the senior pass, it was not as uin this muss as the megacap , and the defensives would have it. >> when we have this new low or near low in the cycle for treasury yields today, the market doesn't take that as we should be negative on stocks it's decides which stocks to actually buy it is the growth stocks and the defensive stocks that act a bit as quality defensive bond proxies. right orb wrong, that's how this market is metabolizing low bond yields it's looking like that trend is getting stretched, but it has seemed that way for a while. >> greatest economy we're told yet the impound market appears to be saying we're going to go in recession by the way, we haven't mentioned it, we're almost reinverting the yield curve. we're getting close again. does the bond market know something that the equity mark does not know. that's always a question, right? >> i they they close around 155. questionable, like i stated