add up all these spin-off, barry dillard has created $40 billion in value. that's big.sidering iac is only an $8 billion company. what iac does when they find a winner they know how to monetize it and exact value and spinning off a hot business. let's see what allowed this stock to rally recently. they have rallied 170% from its lows in february of last year. it's worth noting this came after a sell-off where the darned thing was more than cut in half. the stock is up more than 20 bucks from its 2015 highs and nearly 70 points from its 2016 lows. it got here by doing what it does best, doubling down on a hot business and monetizing it like crazy. they may seem like a jumble of holdings. right now two companies is the profitability of its growth. match and home advisor. half of their segments are losing money and still investing in theirselves for future growth. that's what we want as an incubator. last year match group alone made up 80% of the interest, taxes depreciation. the remaining 20%y home advisor. if you want to understand the performance of iac stock. look at t