barry drexler knows firsthand what makes or breaks an interview. ore than 15,000 of them over his 30 years in human resources. barry is the coach of expert interview and joins us in part 2 of our series, you can hire me now! i saw you and said get him in here now. this is the job market that starts to come back and you're the real expert how to conduct that interview. >> yes, yes. no. liz: there are a lot of aspects of this. come in dressed appropriately and to make sure you are very engaged. how important is something like eye contact. >> it is critical. you don't want to stare at the person, it will make them uncomfortable, but show confidence in eye contact, especially the first impression. liz: how many of the 15,000 introduce that you conducted for hr where people were shifty or not confident? >> happens a lot. the first impression, you shake the hand and they're not looking at you, that's where it counts, first impression, during interview they are looking down and certain conversations they are uncomfortable and they look down. liz: