barry fixler is about to open his jewelry store for the annual valentine's day rush. >> gentlemen comefrom 9:00 in the morning until about 8:00 at night to pick up a heart real quick, engagement ring real quick either for their girlfriend, fiancee or wife. >> so, when two men show up at the door a little early, barry doesn't think twice about letting them into the shop. >> i open the door and they followed me in the store and went around the counter and one fellow says, i'd like to see engagement rings. >> the man in the black coat stares into the display case and singles one out. a routine fixler has seen thousands of times. >> figured this is just a normal sale. the other fellow actually joked around and said that, i'm trying to talk my buddy out of this. it was sort of a joke. >> fixler hands the man a diamond ring. he examines the ring closely, as if he's considering buying it. but fixler senses something is off. >> i see that he was hesitating and the price tag of that ring was $14,000. so i figured to myself, maybe that price is a little too much. >> as nextler and the man talk,