barry goldgold. >> hi, brian rosen. i have been driving 20 years. i don't know how much more can be said. people have been talking about the list. last meeting you gave us some indication that you were going to let us know, maybe what was happening with the list. you know? i am 34 on the list. i think the frustration here is that people want to know what is going on. so we can either plan our lives accordingly. i think we deserve that. i think we deserve that. you know, to know what is going on. because it's very frustrating. we have watched our names move up, our numbers move up, but yet, there is no indication that the earned medallions -- i spoke to somebody who got their malion off the list and earned medallion today. they are driving and is lifts that they want. you know? and i just feel that we should give -- you should give us some indication. you guys have great poker faces. [ laughter ] >> it's great. we should -- sorry -- just give us some indication of what i think we deserve that. thank you. >> thank you, sir. [ applause ] barry corngold