. >> everybody thinks we're wrong they do ♪ >> initially barry gordy didn't want marvin to do "what's barry gordy said i learned something. >> every ar stift at motown also wanted to try their chance at freedom. >> when people say soul they put you in one category. they say he's a soul artist. that's all they expect for you to sing and all they want to you sing. that's not true. soul is being able to express yourself. >> stevie wonder went to barry goredy and he expressed his artistic freedom and used every part of it. ♪ ♪ >> stevie wonder making some of the best meurvetion anyone has made in america back to back to back. >> it's the equivalent to of shooting a perfect shot from half court with your eyes closed. i made it! he ain't doing it again. fulfilling his first finale, oh my god he did it and then suddenly, "songs in the key of life." [♪ singing ♪ ] >> what the beatles did in the '60s i feel stevie wonder was the person to do that for music in the '70s. ♪ ♪ ♪ [applause] >> hi there and welcome aboard you're right on time for a beautiful trip on the soul train if the sight and s