linda ritchie is the expert in the background who has done some research and barry hayes has done some research. except first has an opportunity to say how actions connect to outcomes. i can change my decisions and also who i can trust because i can see different people, different experts claim different things. i can click on their names and go to a site where i see them making their case, their model for how it leads to outcomes that can help us and that will be like wikipedia. a site that is cure related to understand the situation. it looks like a business intelligence dashboard, looks like stock we have been building for a long time. it is not. we are not looking at the data set here. we are looking at the future. let me summarize so you can understand it. in the background we also have a physics engine generating implications of those choices. as i changed my investment, i can see how my decisions interact with the situation as they characterize it to impact the outcomes i care about. this is a universal pattern. this example is an example of something you do in your head 500 tim