barry knapp joins us. heck of a golf tournament over the weekend. good morning, barry. >> good morning. >> expectations for this week, is it about bernanke? a lot of people suggested it's actually draghi whose address we should listen to the closest. >> no, i think that's probably fair. the draghi situation and european situation in general -- there's an interesting parallel going back to last march where when we initially got really concerned and cautious on the market, one of the things that we noted was the vol markets in the u.s., the level of the vix, the premium you pay for downside puts, all of these various measures, you pull out of the index vol market in the u.s., we're almost pricing that contagion risk at the lowest levels we've seen since the lehman bankruptcy. obviously they went up a lot during the 10% decline. but we're back to those levels now as if the whole european situation has just been cleaned up. they're going to cap yields and it's all going to be fine. when you start going through the details of all this and say, they could