barry knapp of ironsides still with me.fallen angel story that is so prevalent right now? barry: you know, it has been a fascinating one. my broader perspective on fixed income markets and credit markets in particular was if youth think about where we were last week, for me, there were two really prevalent issues, and they weren't even in credit so much. they were in the fact that as rates started to rise, it was really being led by real rates, which is the part of the treasury market that the fed generally tries to push lower. inflation breakevens were just collapsing. part of that is expectations of deflation and deflationary risk, tippart of that was securities. that was a real significant issue. more importantly, the mortgage market was behaving terribly. as you know by the beginning of this week, bloomberg was filled with stories about liquidation, mortgage reads not being able to make margin calls and the like. when the fed expanded buying programs, you saw that the stuff that they were buying rallied sharply. investm