into the data and spending, growth, and more here with me is steven stanley, chief economist, and barry knapp. barry, good to have you in the house and not from your house out in the mountains nice to be in the mountains, as well steve, if i were to sum up how i read my notes from you, it is this -- growth is growing. inflation is slowing but the slowing may be slowing in inflation >> yes you got it exactly right i don't know if anyone can follow that, but yes >> so you like the growth profile that you are seeing? >> yes >> and even more than you did yesterday? >> a little bit, because the september data was stronger than expected so steve suggested that leaves you with more momentum coming into the fourth quarter. so something close to 2% growth in the fourth quarter, which is not 5%, but it's -- >> there's the 2.3% prediction from the atlanta fed barry, you have a slightly more cautious take. i think if i were to bear down, you see some concerns in commercial real estate, right? >> correct >> among other areas that you see as potentially "systemic risks. >> yeah, more broadly, i've been cha