barry levine was executive editor of the "national enquirer" when a tip came in on john and rielle. the juiciest gossip about john had been the price of his haircuts. levine: it was right before the iowa caucuses. he was running right with obama and hillary clinton. i thought, wow, if this story is true, the rug would really be pulled out from under him. in march 2007, a few months after barry started looking into the affair rumors, the edwardses received devastating news. elizabeth's breast cancer, which had been in remission since 2004, was back, and this time, the doctor said it was not curable. the candidate says he'll be there for his wife anytime, anyplace despite the presidential campaign. yet, john edwards says that campaign will continue. ♪ elizabeth was sick, and elizabeth had found out about me at the same time. you know, she called the-- the--the cellphone that we had together. there was only one number on the cellphone, and it was mine, and she called it, and i answered the phone, and she hung up. he ended up confessing to her that he had had an affair with her, but it