wide range of issues what is the most important you want to address and also yesterday secretary barry lockeid some me that two years ago one fell short of the promise. do you share the same concern on the strategic side? thank you. >> i would find it hard to give you an absolute hierarchy on the issues that are of manifest importance between the united states and china. there are many e and i try to articulate those of the house and frankly this if we saw some important statements on the part of the chinese until auditors interlocutors and when hu jintao visited on issues relating to north korea i think we seek to follow up on some of those discussions. i think we recognize that cooperation and developing habits of cooperation in finding common ground, common cause is a challenging, time-consuming endeavor. we are committed to it and we are looking forward to this next round of the strategic and economic dialogue to work constructively and consistently on a broad range of issues has described earlier. >> do you want to do the gary locke sing? >> okay. i mean, i can say the s&ed is a yearlon