, milk, and eggs unless you also purchase a half ton of iron ore and a book about poetry and a barry manilow album. this is a special kind of store where you have to buy all of those things. you have to buy every item in this entire store in order to buy any of these things including the bread, milk, and eggs. that would approximate what it feels like to spend money in congress. we're told you can't fund any part of government unless you're willing to fund all of government, subject to such changes as the few people who write the continuing resolution might insuper. and you, by the way, having been duly elected by the citizens of your state will be left out of the process other than the exercise, the binary choice of yes or no. and so, mr. president, we have seen that this is how we get to be $20 trillion in debt, soon to be $22 trillion in debt. we don't get to be $20 trillion, soon to be $22 trillion in debt without a whole lot of agreement on the part of a whole lot of people to do that. it's a bipartisan exercise, to be sure. bipartisanship is necessary, but the fact that it's bipartisan