and she says she couldn't sleep last night because she kept humming that tune, the barry manilow song. and in her mind, and to be honest with you, audrey, i've been doing that all day as well. this is a passion for her and not just because of the hollywood classics. here's what she's doing. she said that back then, in the late 40s, early 50, the areas were where these, films were. these incidents happened. those areas were diverse. but when you saw the big screen, you didn't see a lot of diversity in the movie. and so what she wanted to do is make her cast and also her crew diverse in that way. 90, nine, zero, 90% of her staff and crew, they are all women and most of them are women. of color. and so she's trying to send that message, that the diversity is the way it was and that women are just as capable, if not more, to do films as men. well, damian, now i have the song stuck in my head, we were looking at the video there, we see a lot of the crew members were able to speak with them as well. what do they say? can't film. so it won't, it won't take too long for them to finish the pre