cut to a barry white record and just cut this stuff out now. to steve moore in washington.s to whether we'll ever be able to do that. i have my doubts, steve. what say you? >> hi, neil. first of all, i'm kind of fascinated with how snails do it. i mean, can you you imagine what the foreplay must be like? it takes 45 minutes for them to get near each other, but you know. > >> neil: i don't want into exploring why that -- i don't want to go into exploring why that house. you're spending a million dollars. they're asexual, and they're spending this money. what makes them try the sexual route now and then? i sort of said company for one. i digress. what do you make of the fact that we do this? now, these are relatively palletry numbers in the -- paltry number in the schemes of things, but they add up and we see them year after year. >> actually these studies on sexual behavior of animals, we've done studies on everything from chimps to honeybees. there's a fascination in washington with sexual behavior. these studies add up in cost. i mean, you just put the number, what was it,