well, barry petersen will be along shortly to instruct us all in the virtues of patience.hen it's on to a giant of american journalism, who never really existed. he is charles foster kane, the anti-hero of the classic museum citizens kane. although orson welles gets the acclaim, people are hoping for him to get his fair share. for ben mankiewicz it is all a family affair. >> welcome, mr. kane. >> welcome. >> reporter: to see why citizen kane is a classic, you should know the story behind it. >> these extremely different personalities collided with one another and made something that we still talk about today. >> reporter: it's in a new film, my grandfather at the center, later on "sunday morning." >> pauley: stevie nicks is a long-time member of the rock band fleetwood mac, not to mention a solo artist as well. this morning she'll be taking to tracy smith for the record. ♪ >> reporter: after five decades in the music industry, stevie nicks is suddenly as hot as ever, with a new song, a new feature film, and a whole new following. why do you think you are here? >> because i