his name is barry ritholtz.ealous he gets to do masters in business, these long conversations with all sorts of interesting people and he manages real moneys where he enjoys occasionally losing money as well. we are thrilled barry ritholtz could join anna edwards and myself. -- dow up six, del potro futures up 41. barry, i want you to explain the street fixation which is always there, in this case on apple, on amazon, and how you can get the same return from something as a two by four. home depot up 28% per year in the last two years, and kaplan ghosn does not get any of the sex appeal of tim cook, does he? barry: hindsight bias. now everyone knows of pandemic will cause a lot of people to flee to the suburbs. when we look at technology, there are game changers. the world is different because we walk around with a high-powered computer in our pocket. we have connectivity wherever we go. look at how amazon has change the nature of retail, how microsoft is changing enterprise. we are fixated on the companies that