little chubby for barry sanders. the late barry white. >> barry sanders in the off season. when you graduate from the police academy deasm. need to take one picture for you. one saved a baby from a burning building and next picture will be one on homicidal rampage just to have them on file. >> bill: right. different poses. now, you know how hard it is to get angelina's attention because people in los angeles are always driving in traffic and they are going to in and out burger and they got really important stuff to do. but here this is galvanized everyone, correct? >> yeah. well, for me, it's not like, you know, statistically the chances of him coming to my house and shooting me are very low. >> bill: is that true? i thought you were on the manifesto right between the eyes? >> no. probably 35, 40%, maybe even less than that statistically. the point is i don't like all the personnel going to mount pinas or bear mountain to look for this guy that leaves my house open for gang bangers. you call 911 in l.a. they put you on hold right now. >> bill: that's interesting. you know t