they started a movement, the innocence movement, and as result of barry scheck and the project, smaller projects bloomed, click one that loyola law school where i was employed to be the director. >> in los angeles. >> exactly. and so barry and i are connected because our client, the main client i represented when i was there, is a man improbably named cash register, my client, and there was an experience we went through, very small kind of scrappy innocence project of ex-en rating cash without dna, and that experience really changed my life in a number of ways. run of which was to think hard but not just the damage to cash, which was profound because he was convicted in 1979 and release fled 2013, meaning that by my life span, i was in kindergarten when he was convicted and my son was in kindergarten when he was released. but there was also this damage to his family and then also to the victims' family who never got justice because as you know, what happens in these chases victims are told a story, which is we got the bad guy and put away and then the story is not true. in the exonerati