here to share his findings is the author, barry schwartz. >> great to be with you. >> great to have youan relate to. even folks who have a steady job or a decent income are often disengaged, to use the word from the gallup survey. >> yes. >> talk about what that entails. then a while get to some of what you find in the search for meaning. >> sure. so we have assumed as a society for 200 years that the only reason anyone ever works is for pay. and as long as they're paid, it doesn't much matter what they do. you can make the work as demeaning and boring, monotonous, whatever it is, as you want. if the paycheck is there at the end of the week, they're okay. this turns out to be false. it was never true. it's not true now. some of us think, there's us, people like you and me, who care about other things, then there's everybody else and all everybody else cares about is a paycheck. the point of my book is to show that's simply not true. >> what about people who work in large organizations, particularly when you have retail or something, where there's a format and it's hard to break out of t