and they'll also be saying what larry said, barry sussman pushing, dealing with them and others, that made a huge difference too. and that was a great combination. the rest of us were pretty much one and two loan reporters doing work. bob and karl were the hub and the core of a team. and that, that helped make their assignments clear. >> -- thank you. >> [applause] well, i want to reiterate or put it somewhere differently, something that richard ben-veniste said earlier. for all of this, i envision a three legged stool. there was the press, media, there was the judiciary, the legal process, and there was the legislature. and we all did our jobs and functioned as we should have. and at one point, i was kind of accosted by and fbi agent who was one of the investigators of war the gate and, he said to be, he said, you know we had all that we! had all that. and i said, yeah, but we didn't have it. and the public didn't have it. you know it. we got it out there. and that, to the great credit of a bob and karl and barry was that we did get it out there and we had two important readers at le