by contrast barry swegle is a 245 pound paul bunion in love with machinery. rusting carcasses of his old toys line his driveway. >> if you knew barry, he's a big boy. >> auto glass repairman, jason bondy. >> i'm 300 pounds and i would be kind of scared of him if he went sideways. >> jason says there was something else that made barry dangerous. >> he didn't know me from adam and flat out said that he had a meth problem and he was trying to get help and nobody would help him. >> both barry's brother and local authorities confirmed barry had a history of drug use and a penchant for paranoia. >> he said we were the leaders of a gang that was coming through our property and -- >> stealing his fuel, his batteries. >> stealing fuel and batteries. >> he thought that this mobile home had been surveying him in there, somebody was watching him. >> even law enforcement had a growing file on the odd fellow living at 2313 east ryan drive. >> he was out here with his backhoe and excavator digging up his yard, digging 20 foot holes in his driveway behind us. >> just digging